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Naman Kapasi

Engineer + Developer, Entrepreneur, Researcher, and Builder

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Berkeley AI Group

Designing a platform to help educators build better online courseware

Adobe Atlas

Built a research tool for data annotation purposes

Answers AI

Rebuilding backend and frontend for production

Hello hello,

I’m Naman, currently I live in San Fransisco working as a research scientist at Adobe. My experiences include fine tuning models, building full-stack solutions, and growing businesses. Being comfortable with code allows me to validate use cases, and help businesses very quickly. If you’re interested in hiring me as an ML consultant, check out Berkeley AI Group.

In my free time, I practice Muay Thai, play volleyball, and help small business owners grow their businesses. I’m always down to talk, so feel free to send me an email.

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Me standing in front of the Torii on Miyajima, an island off the coast of Hiroshima in Japan